The Cynic

€ 1.50

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You may not have a lot of coin but you got a lot of moxy you sly dog. Diogenes would be proud.

This is the tip-jar. If you have a nagging sense of guilt at all the great stuff you’re consuming for free — or if you’re also Irish and just feel guilty anyway — here’s an easy way to alleviate it.

  • Untethered access to the eudaimonic knowledge that you are supporting The Living Philosophy to keep making new videos

The Stoic

€ 5.00

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You are not indifferent to the sweet nectar of the philosophers. Your wisdom knows what’s good; your justice knows what’s right; your moderation knows what’s sustainable and your courage provokes you to take action. We who are about to make content salute you.

  • Everything from The Cynic

  • PLUS immortality in the credits of each new video

The Existentialist

€ 9.00

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You have stared into the dark abyss of naked truth and seen the meaningless of existence. But you have also realised that because of this everything is possible and that we must create our own meaning. And in all your rebel wisdom you have chosen to create that meaning by supporting a fellow Sisyphus to keep rolling his rock up that hill.

(Note: for posted tangible goods such as the thank you letter members will have to have been supporting the channel for three months)

  • Everything from the lower tiers

The Postmodern NeoMarxist

€ 20.00

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You are the Postmodern Neo-Marxist – you believe we need rich new veins of thought that challenge the status quo and you want the poor worker to take control of the means of production — to support the proles in their uprising. And most likely, given the demographics of your group, you are highly educated and affluent and have the means to back up this noble desire.

(Note: for posted tangible goods such as the thank you letter  and the book, members will have to have been supporting the channel for three months)

(Note: for posted tangible goods such as the thank you letter  and the book, Patrons will have to have been supporting the channel for three months)

The Platonist

€ 50.00

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You have left the cave of illusion and seen the naked Truth. But good philosopher that you are, you haven’t forgotten your poor friends in the cave of illusion. You want to help them see the light of the Good in all its overflowing wealth of abundant wisdom. Your generosity knows no bounds. You have left this simple cave-dweller in total aporia.

  • A 1 hour call via Skype/Zoom/telephone/VR…however you like to communicate
  • A shout out on the show so that all cave dwellers can be enlightened by your wisdom
  • You get to choose a topic for me to make a video on (terms and conditions apply. Any topic that may result in getting cancelled or other such grievous harm will be summarily rejected)
  • Everything from the lower tiers

The Dionysian

€ 1000.00

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You are swimming in the ecstatic abundance of a god. Given your tier selection, you have probably consumed too much of the sacred wine.
There’s no logic here. No reason. Only a defiant affirmation of life. The world is drowning in a torrent of your Bacchic splendour.
You get everything we have to offer. May it help to soothe the wicked hangover tomorrow because…yeah you are clearly drunk.
What more can one offer a god? For your intoxicating generosity you get everything we have to offer on Patreon. You are a god. You are Dionysus.

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